Monday, April 28, 2008

Joint Government-Private Sector Delegation at ADEX Scuba Diving Expo, Singapore

Press Release
Tourists ready to return to Timor Leste
There were encouraging signs that the country’s tourism industry is poised for recovery, as visitors crowded round the Timor Leste stand at the ADEX (Asia Dive Expo) in Singapore on April 18-20th. This trade show is considered to be one of the world’s most important for the industry, bringing together tour operators and country delegations from all over the world to present the latest trends in dive travel to the a public looking for the new destinations for dive holidays.
Antonio da Silva, leader of the Timor Leste delegation to the show, said that he was impressed by the enthusiasm shown by visitors to the stand, which featured underwater photos by Daniel Groshong (author of the photo book “Timor Leste: Land of Discovery”) and a short diving film by Dili-based underwater videographer Kym Smithies. The film, commissioned by the National Directorate of Tourism, had its premiere at ADEX and was played non-stop to visitors throughout the show. It featured a thrilling sequence showing a dugong - an endangered species of marine mammal, filmed recently near Metinaro. Spectacular images of Timor Leste’s superb coral reefs and wide variety of sea life drew dive enthusiasts to the stand, where they met industry representatives from Dive Timor Lorosae and FreeFlow dive centres, to receive information about dive holiday packages in this country. Some potential visitors said that they had been interested in coming to Timor Leste for some time, but had decided to wait until the security situation improved following the events of 2006.
According to Tourism Advisor Ann Turner, Timor Leste has enormous potential as a destination for adventure tours, whether land or sea-based.
“We have so many advantages. We are Asia’s newest country, with a rich and authentic culture. Our natural landscapes are a breathtakingly beautiful backdrop for trekking and our coral reefs offer some of the world’s best diving. In a world where almost no country is unexplored, visitors to Timor Leste can enjoy a rare and special adventure,” she said.
Although this country still faces some challenges in its tourism development, the National Directorate of Tourism is in the process of implementing a strategic plan throughout the districts to strengthen the growth of the industry, working to improve infrastructure, vocational training and promotion both at home and overseas. Tourism delegations will be attending trade shows on a regular basis, including PATA (Pacific and Asian Tourism Association) Trade Mart in India in September and the World Travel Market in London in November. In addition, a group of foreign journalists and tour operators is expected to visit Timor Leste later in the year on a promotional trip.
Whilst such promotional activity may not bring immediate results, it is important to start working to improve facilities now to ensure that tourists’ expectations are met.
“There is a very important role to be played in communities throughout the country to offer a smiling welcome to the tourists when they start to arrive. We would encourage all Timorese to take part in this exciting development, by making sure that their communities are kept clean and attractive, to preserve the environment on land and in the sea and to help to ensure the visitors’ personal safety,” said Miguel Lobato, National Director of Tourism. Lobato added that whilst visitors to Timor Leste are fascinated by the traditional village way of life, they can also play a part in preserving this cultural heritage by respecting local customs and the special sacred places that they are privileged to visit.
“If we offer the best possible experience to tourists, there will be rewards for all, especially our youth, in terms of employment, business opportunities and increased demand for local products. If we treat visitors well, more will follow,” Lobato added.
For further information, photos and interviews contact:
Antonio da Silva (Tetum)................ Ann Turner (English)
email: ..........

TETUM Language version

Press Release
Delegasaun conjunta Governo-Sector privado atende ADEX ( Asia Dive Expo) iha Singapore
Turistas prontu atu vijita fali Timor-Leste.
Industria turismo iha Timor-Leste komesa iha korezen ou sinal positifu katak komesa fila ba situasaun normal, Sinal ida ne’e ita bele hare wainhira vijitor barak maka mai iha Timor-Leste nia stand wainhira tuir Expojisaun mergulhu iha Singapura ADEX ( Asia Dive Expo 18 to 20 Abril 2008). Expojisaun ida ne’e konsidera hanesan importante liu iha mundo ba industria mergulhui nian, nebe lori Delegasaun e Gia Viagem sira hamutuk mai hosi mundo tomak hodi bele hatudu tren modelu ikus liu ba publico kona ba destinasaun paseio mergluhu nian.

Antonio da Silva, cordenador delegasaun Timor-Leste ba Evento ne’e hatete katak; hau sente urgulhu tebes ho antusiasmu hosi vijitor sira mai iha evento ne’e. Buat sira ne’e hotu tamba iha imagem mergulho nebe maka prepara husi Sr.Daniel Groshong (autor foto imagem “Timor Leste: land of Discovery” ho material promosaun seluk hanesan Filmagem mergulho nebe prepara husi Direcção Nacional do Turismo nebe foka husi Sra. Kym Smithies hanesan photogafera nebe hatudu kona ba riku soin tasi nian iha parte Metinaro, tasi tolu, Behau e nomos Dili. Visitors sira ne’e maioria hasoru malu ho representativos husi governu ( Direcçao Nacional do Turismo) homos representatif husi sector privadu liu-liu iha area mergulho nia hanesan: Dive Timor Loro Sae, ho Free flow hodi simu e atende ba programa pakote viagen nebe maka sei halao’o iha Timor Leste. Husi visitantes nebe potencial ba iha area ida ne’e hateten katak; sira intereses tebes atu visita Timor Leste ; maibe sira mos sei hein konaba mudansa situasaun iha ita nia rai laran depois de krisi 2006.
Tuir Asessora Turismo Timor Leste Sra. Ann Turner nia hateten; Timor Leste iha potencia bo’ot hanesan destinasaun foun ba viagen adventures hanesan husi rai leten nomos husi tasi nian.
“Ita iha aportunidade barak”, Timor-Leste hanesan nasaun nebe foun liu iha regiaun Asia nian, nebe riku ho autentico cultura. Ita nia pasagem rai nian nebe halo ema admira kona ba nian furak, e diak mos ba actividade lao ain ba fatin-fatin sira nebe interesante ho mos ita nia riku soin husi tasi laran hanesan ahu ruin oferese fatin nebe diak hodi halo mergulho( luku tasi) diak liu iha mundu. Iha mundu ida nebe maioria la iha nasaun nebe maka la explora, visitantes nebe mai Timor leste bele goja Timor Leste nia furak e special ba adventure” Ann hateten.
Mesmu nasaun ne’e sei hasoru difikuldade iha desenvolvimento iha area turismo, maibe Diresaun Nacional do Turismo iha ona prosesu nia laran atu implementa plano strategia ba iha distritos hotu hodi nune bele hametin no haburas industria ida ne’e iah futuru. Servisu nebe inportante maka hadia infrastructura, treinamento vokasional ho promosaun iha rai laran nomos iha rai liur. Delegasaun turismo sei atende expozisoes hanesan basis regular ida, Incluindo PATA Travel Mart iha India fulan Setembro 2008 ho world travel market nebe sei realija iha London iha fulan Novembro 2008, iha parte seluk, grupo jurnalistas estrangeiro ho operadores nebe relavan sei visita Timor Leste iha tinan ida ne’e hanesan viagem promosaun.
Mesmu actividades promosaun nia sei la fo resultado imidiatamentu, maibe importante tengki komesa hahu hodi hadia fasilidades, atu nune’e bele fasilita turistas sira ne’e.
Buat seluk nebe importante tebes atu comunidades iha nasaun ne’e tomak halao maka oinsa ita nia comunidades bele oferese” Bem Vimdo” ho hamnasa ba ita nia turistas sira baihira sira komesa to’o iha ita nia rai Doben Timor Leste. Ami sei encorage timor oan tomak hodi hola parte iha desenvolvemento ida ne’e, hanesan comunidades bele tau matan ba limpeja ho nafatin tau matan atu nune’e fatin sira ne’e sai atractivo ba bei-beik, atu preserva ba environmentu iha rai nomos iha tasi atu nune’e bele ajuda ba visitores konaba seguru pesoal; hateten Miguel Lobato, Director Nacional do Turismo.
Baihira ita iha posibilidade oferese buat nebe diak liu ba esperencia turistas, maka sei iha feedback ba buat sira ne’e hotu. Especial liu ba ita nia joven sira, iha termus campo de servisu, opurtunidade negosio ho hasae requijizasaun ba produtus lokal. Bainhira ita trata visitantes ho diak ita sei hetan tan buat seluk. Hateten Lobato.

Atu hatene liu tan informasauns, Photo ho intervius bele contacto:

Antonio da Silva ( Tetum ) Ann Turner ( English )
+ 670-7290816 + 670-7393879